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Videos of playlist "PL9EFj74dVIdexagK0ZIHz8XErvqTDsblf"

2:48 / Dragon Age: Inquisition - Astrariums in the Hinterlands

3:53 / Dragon Age: Inquisition - Astrariums on the Coast

2:38 / Dragon Age: Inquisition - Astrariums in Crestwood

2:37 / Dragon Age: Inquisition - Astrariums in the Approach

2:52 / Dragon Age Inquisition - Astrariums in the Graves

7:40 / Dragon Age: Inquisition - Pride Demon - Nightmare Difficulty

12:21 / Dragon Age: Inquisition - Alexius - Nightmare Difficulty

8:47 / Dragon Age: Inquisition - Aspect of the Nightmare on Nightmare Difficulty

8:40 / Dragon Age: Inquisition - Fereldan Frostback - Nightmare - Rogue

9:37 / Dragon Age: Inquisition - Northern Hunter - Nightmare - Rogue

8:47 / Dragon Age: Inquisition - The Abyssal High Dragon - Nightmare

4:48 / Dragon Age: Inquisition - Gamordan Stormrider - Nightmare - Rogue

5:45 / Dragon Age: Inquisition - Assassin Spec Rogue Solos Vinsomer on Nightmare

4:54 / Dragon Age Inquisition - Highland Ravager - Nightmare - Assassin Rogue

3:18 / Dragon Age: Inquisition - Greater Mistral Dragon - Nightmare

13:05 / Dragon Age: Inquisition - Vinsomer - KE Solo Dragon Kill on Nightmare