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Videos of playlist "PL9eae4TkMPLW41bHEeMK5urLHEpapz5FJ"

2:17 / Media and the Creation of Apathy

6:55 / The Real Looting of Baltimore...

7:56 / When The Herd Turns

5:19 / Prof Noam Chomsky - How to create a terrorist...

2:24 / Noam Chomsky - on Social Darwinism

2:15 / A Baby Boomer's Apology

3:07 / Dr Ha-Joon Chang - Expect the Best

1:00 / Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson on Robert Rubin

2:59 / Prof Joseph Stiglitz - GDP is Flawed... Citizens want depth...

1:36 / Four Horsemen - deleted scene...

6:18 / Prof Noam Chomsky - On the Cold War

1:29 / Prof. Herman Daly - on Homo Economicus

1:07 / Prof. Joseph Stiglitz on: Banking Regulations

1:40 / David Morgan - on Education

1:58 / Ha-Joon Chang - on Trickle Down Economics

1:36 / Max Keiser - On The Federal Reserve

2:02 / Phillip Blond - on Ideology for the 21st Century

2:10 / Hugo Salinas Price - on the Gold Pound

1:27 / John Perkins - on Secret Empires

1:08 / Simon Johnson - on Starting a Revolution