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Videos of playlist "PLD885585E884BD2F9"

3:18 / Freddiew's YouTube Roadtrip 2010!

1:12 / The Road Trip Begins!

1:04 / Huge Guns (with Smosh!)

1:23 / Portland Hat Chase

1:42 / Halloween Massacre

1:38 / Near-Death Experience

2:02 / Future First Person Shooter

1:15 / Alpine Slide Race

2:37 / Beach Justice

1:02 / .50 Cal William Tell

1:40 / Time Freeze Shootout

1:35 / Real UFO Sighting!

1:16 / Back in LA and SNEAK PREVIEWS!

1:10 / freddiew Road Trip - First Night On the Road

0:37 / How to Fall Under an RV

2:44 / Behind the Scenes - Huge Guns

2:55 / What REALLY Happened - Portland Man Touching Champion

2:49 / Behind the Scenes - Portland Hat Chase

1:59 / Behind the Scenes - Halloween Massacre

3:12 / Bozeman, MT - Roadtrip