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Videos of playlist "PLFA7FD8151B8AD398"

8:08 / CGI VFX Showreels & Breakdowns : "Ryse Motion Editing Reel" - by Travis Ramsdale

4:14 / CGI Behind The Scenes : "Halo 4 Spartan Ops" by Axis Animation

1:51 / CGI VFX Behind The Scenes : "Ted" Using the Mocap system MVN | TheCGBros

3:01 / Battleship - Aliens Featurette

6:12 / Quantic Dream's "Kara": Behind the Scenes

26:34 / Enhancing Performance Capture on Ubisoft Far Cry 3 using Autodesk MotionBuilder

17:12 / Weta Digitla: The Adventures of Tintin - Making of.

1:22 / Markerless Facial Motion Capture Tech Demo

3:50 / Star Wars The Old Republic "The Return" - Behind The Scenes - Motion Capture

4:40 / Robin Atkin Downes - Motion Capture Reel 1

4:44 / Making of Lair (PS3)- Motion Capture

4:24 / Uncharted 3 Motion Capture Process Trailer

3:59 / FEAR 3 Motion Capture

1:38 / Janimation | HeadTech

9:36 / Mars Needs Moms.flv

3:40 / L.A. Noire video game: motion face capture HD trailer - PS3