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Videos of playlist "PLOGi5-fAu8bFCa0SrS331gW0ykmM7HuAV"

11:37 / John Doerr and Ryan Panchadsaram: An action plan for solving the climate crisis | TED Countdown

10:58 / How Wind Energy Could Power Earth ... 18 Times Over | Dan Jørgensen | TED Countdown

13:06 / The Billion-Dollar Pollution Solution Humanity Needs Right Now | Stacy Kauk | TED

11:30 / 5 Promising Factors Propelling Climate Action | Gabriel Kra | TED Countdown

9:51 / How Much Clean Electricity Do We Really Need? | Solomon Goldstein-Rose | TED Countdown

15:11 / The Untapped Energy Source That Could Power the Planet | Jamie C. Beard | TED

9:31 / The Eco-Creators Helping the Climate Through Social Media | Zahra Biabani | TED

12:55 / How to Make Learning as Addictive as Social Media | Luis Von Ahn | TED

9:56 / The Powerful Possibilities of Recycling the World's Batteries | Emma Nehrenheim | TED