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Videos of playlist "PLOGi5-fAu8bG8Gc2v03rqOKEbbml-qeFc"

6:01 / Brittany Young: How dirt bikes and STEM ignite ingenuity in Baltimore | TED Fellows

4:58 / Khalil Ramadi: Electronic pills that could transform how we treat disease | TED Fellows

6:29 / Katie Mack: The death of the universe -- and what it means for life | TED Fellows

6:02 / Bianca Tylek: The multibillion-dollar US prison industry -- and how to dismantle it | TED Fellows

4:54 / Matthew Mazzotta: Playful, wondrous public spaces built for community and possibility | TED Fellows

6:38 / Feras Fayyad: The real-life superheroes helping Syrian refugees | TED Fellows

5:27 / Naomi Mwaura: A feminist reimagining of Kenya’s public transport | TED Fellows

5:24 / Aaron Morris: How your body could become its own diagnostic lab | TED Fellows

5:31 / Itamar Mann: A new approach to defending the human rights of migrants | TED Fellows

6:07 / Itamar Mann: An app that empowers people to solve their legal problems | TED Fellows

8:03 / Aparna Hegde: The life-saving tech helping mothers make healthy decisions | TED Fellows

5:43 / Sarah Rugheimer: The search for microscopic aliens | TED Fellows

4:37 / Zahra Al-Mahdi: The infinite alchemy of storytelling | TED Fellows

5:21 / How to Heat Your Home Without Hurting the Planet | Kathy Hannun | TED Fellows

9:21 / Jorge Mañes Rubio: What should humans take to space (and leave behind)? | TED Fellows