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Videos of playlist "PLOGi5-fAu8bHjWUTDQIHvivJ3BUWVkyVU"

10:32 / Why the best hire might not have the perfect resume | Regina Hartley

23:02 / How to foster true diversity and inclusion at work (and in your community) | Rosalind G. Brewer

1:02:26 / 3 secrets to Netflix's success | Reed Hastings and Chris Anderson

17:18 / The anti-CEO playbook | Hamdi Ulukaya

13:29 / Are you a giver or a taker? | Adam Grant

17:21 / Linda Hill: How to manage for collective creativity

14:08 / Karen Eber: How your brain responds to stories -- and why they're crucial for leaders | TED

4:34 / How to lead in a crisis | The Way We Work, a TED series

7:30 / Why you should know how much your coworkers get paid | David Burkus

12:35 / How to make a profit while making a difference | Audrey Choi

14:55 / How to build a business that lasts 100 years | Martin Reeves

9:10 / Jennifer Aaker and Naomi Bagdonas: Why great leaders take humor seriously | TED

15:41 / James Rhee: The value of kindness at work | TED

13:50 / Nyra Jordan: 4 steps to hiring fairly -- and supporting criminal justice reform | TED

13:18 / My Secret to Creating Real Magic | Christina Tosi | TED