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Videos of playlist "PLRAV69dS1uWQGDQoBYMZWKjzuhCaOnBpa"

4:59 / Welcome to series on GO programming language

7:53 / Before you start with golang

11:44 / Golang installation and hello world

7:10 / GOPATH and reading go docs

7:28 / Lexer in golang and Types

17:29 / Variables, types and constants

11:41 / Comma ok syntax and packages in golang

10:33 / Conversions in golang

11:44 / Handling time in golang

3:46 / Build for windows, linux and mac

5:36 / Memory management in golang

10:51 / Pointers in golang

6:52 / Array in golang

14:58 / Slices in golang

5:35 / How to remove a value from slice based on index in golang

8:36 / Maps in golang

8:11 / Structs in golang

8:38 / If else in golang

9:45 / Switch case in golang and online playground

12:20 / Loop break continue and goto in golang