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Videos of playlist "PLT_N5y7Jjvn-APMikZXy1YVQzDWRuCS1G"

5:19 / Medusa and Athena - Ancient Greek Goddesses - Greek Mythology

5:09 / King Midas and the Golden Touch - A Greek Tale

4:54 / Apollo and Cassandra - Greek Mythology Stories

5:05 / The Myth of Prometheus | The Stealing of Fire From Gods | Greek Mythology

4:50 / Athena and Poseidon | Greek Mythology Stories | Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses

4:54 / Zeus Hera and Little Io | Greek Mythology Stories |

4:07 / Ariadne and Dionysus | Greek Mythological Love Story | Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses

5:07 / The Twelve Labours of Hercules | Kill the Nemean Lion & Kill the Lernean Hydra | Greek Mythology

5:04 / Hermes & Apollo | The Birth of Hermes and How He Stole the Cattle of Apollo | Greek Mythology