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Videos of playlist "PLWVVAnwn1SjA7WH3vTvocW-RsBisqlJDr"

49:49 / Secrets of the Sun: Pyramid of the Sun & Winter Solstice | Children of the Stars (1/10)

52:03 / Life on Mars - NASA and the Red Planet | Children of the Stars (2/10)

50:45 / Venus - Earth's hostile sister planet | Children of the Stars (3/10)

49:51 / Meteor shower, Hunter of Meteories & Crater of Monturaqui | Children of the Stars (4/10)

50:14 / The Big Bang - Origins of the Universe | Children of the Stars (5/10)

49:29 / The Southern Cross and the Largest Telescope in the World | Children of the Stars (6/10)

50:41 / The Milky Way: Astrophotography & Infrared Telescope VISTA | Children of the Stars (7/10)

52:06 / Horoscopes, Astrology & Astral Charts - Destiny written in the Stars | Children of the Stars (8/10)

51:42 / Astronomical Catastrophes and the Future of the Universe | Children of the Stars (9/10)

50:38 / The Moon: Spacecrafts, Sacred Rituals & Astro-Photographers | Children of the Stars (10/10)