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Videos of playlist "PLWVVAnwn1SjDkI60qblPlYomM4Tb3WTAr"

50:28 / Water Memory (2014 Documentary about Nobel Prize laureate Luc Montagnier)

1:15:29 / Viktor Schauberger - Comprehend and Copy Nature (Documentary of 2008)

43:13 / 20.000 cables under the sea (Documentary about the huge fibre optic cables that connect us, 2010)

1:09:55 / Tornados Hunters (French Version with English Subtitles - HD 1080p)

1:29:15 / Alcohol, the magic potion: science behind the most harmful drug of all (Full Documentary)

44:23 / Smart Cities - Building for the Cities of Tomorrow (Documentary, 2015)

51:19 / Secrets of the Moon | Episode 01 | By the light of the Moon

52:15 / Poisoned Fields - Glyphosate, the underrated risk? (Full Documentary)

52:21 / Documentary about life after death | "Death: A series about Life" - Episode 2/5

25:00 / Hydrogen - Fuelling our Future? | Clean Energy (HD 1080p)

4:27 / Child-robot (CB2) learns from experience and interaction with humans

22:49 / History of the Mobile Phone | From GSM to Augmented Reality

20:57 / Beer - Science in a Glass (Documentary, 2016)

52:01 / Nyiragongo, one of the world's most active and deadly volcanos, could erupt at any time

51:26 / Secrets of the Moon | Episode 02 | From Earth to Moon

7:08 / Kevin Warwick becomes the world's first Cyborg

53:15 / 50 years after the moon landing: what do we really know about the moon?

21:08 / Solar Decathlon | World's Biggest Contest for the Best Solar House (HD 1080p)

42:11 / The Rosetta Mission - Europe's Comet Chaser (Documentary, 2014)

4:13 / Gold Clothing – Revolution in the luxury textile industry