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Videos of playlist "PL_-Qgi2IH-PDDd71-VibibxZLaj1BHOsS"

2:07:54 / The Jesus Film (Chinese 中文)

34:06 / The Blessing (Chinese 中文)

1:00:02 / 生命的奥秘 2/2

57:45 / 生命的奥秘 1/2

1:58:40 / The Cross: Jesus in China (1 of 2)

1:48:36 / The Cross: Jesus in China (2 of 2)

1:11:30 / The Case For Christ – Chinese|重审耶稣(中文简体字幕和配音版)

26:53 / The Blessing (English)

17:14 / The Case for a Creator - Chinese (Part 2)|中英文字幕

17:10 / The Case for a Creator - Chinese (Part 3)|中英文字幕

10:04 / The Case for a Creator - Chinese (Part 4)|中英文字幕

5:11 / 你是个好人吗?