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Videos of playlist "PLs_v0WJdNfE4doobxZQL2GsxzBQNvlMWq"

15:58 / Couple's role-playing gets out of control | "Nicole's Cage" - Dark comedy by Josef Brandl

13:53 / Germany in 1942 | "Toyland" - Oscar winning short film by Jochen Alexander Freydank

3:13 / Standing up to racism | "Exit right" - by Rupert Höller & Bernhard Wenger

12:39 / Oscar-awarded short film against racism | "Schwarzfahrer" - by Pepe Danquart

9:50 / Summer Sunday - Drama short film by F. Breinersdorfer and S. Kamml

4:40 / Honest Short Film about becoming a Mom | POSTPARTUM - by Henriette Rietz with Charlotte Roche

7:16 / CG short film on making peace with the past | "Song of a Toad" - by Kariem Saleh

9:16 / Short film on a weird father-daughter relationship | "Make Up" - by Tarek Röhlinger

8:18 / When your date doesn't look like his picture | "Parking Love" - Short film by Peter Meister

3:56 / Every dog owner should watch this! | "Gerry's Garden" - Short film by Jobie Nam

9:22 / Funniest training video on saftey at work | Forklift driver Klaus - by Jörg Wagner and Stefan Prehn

6:00 / Teenagers talk about puberty | AlieNation - Animated short film by Laura Lehmus

12:09 / Animated short film on the daily life of a paramedic | "366 Days" - by Johannes Schiehsl

8:31 / CG short film on Alzheimer's | "The visit" - by Conrad Tambour

3:30 / Kurzfilm über toxische Beziehungen | 12 Jahre - von Daniel Nocke

20:11 / Satire short film on prejudice and national pride | "A German Loves His Fatherland "- by Nico Sommer

6:23 / How not to manage a family | Outsourcing - Short film by Markus Dietrich and Hanna Reifgerst

5:24 / Oscar Nominiert ~ Kurzfilm über die Vater-Sohn-Beziehung | Negative Space - von M. Porter and Ru K.

18:18 / Propaganda and Resistance in Nazi Germany | "A Wolf's Mind" - Short film by K. Scarton-Kim

9:19 / Short thriller about a disturbing job interview | "Job Interview" - by Julia Walter