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Videos of playlist "PLujDIk_ZJDxv4hE1QY2fMpl8g2uFHaPe7"

1:48:00 / British Military UFO Encounter - Linda Moulton Howe LIVE

1:12:10 / Manufacturing Ignorance: UFOs, the First Amendment and National Security

55:05 / President Eisenhower's Secret Meeting with ETs in 1955 - The Real Story

1:46:31 / Plan C: Preparing for ET Disclosure - C. B. Jones, PhD LIVE

57:59 / Tales of the Hawk - A Secret UFO Insider - Bruce Maccabee, PhD

1:03:34 / The Stephenville TX UFO Wave - Angelia Joiner LIVE

1:35:28 / UFOs, Crop Circles and Goverment Coverup - Colin Andrews LIVE

1:44:40 / A New World Power Emerges for UFO Disclosure - A.J. Gevaerd

1:07:22 / SURGICAL REMOVAL OF ALIEN IMPLANTS - Special Update - Dr. Roger Leir

1:18:20 / The State of UFO Disclosure - Press Conference - Washington, DC

1:06:03 / ET Disclosure Press Conference - National Press Club, DC

1:40:40 / Exopolitics, Disclosure & The National Security State - Richard Dolan LIVE

1:02:28 / Exopolitics and ET Disclosure Policy - Daniel Sheehan, JD - LIVE

58:57 / UFOs - The French Connection - Gildas Bourdais LIVE

1:40:40 / UFOs and the National Security State - Richard Dolan LIVE

1:04:20 / United Nations UFO and ET Policy - Antonio Huneeus LIVE

1:19:15 / Hidden Truth - Forbidden Knowledge - X-CONFERENCE - Steven Greer, MD

47:40 / Exopolitics and Secret Societies - Jim Marrs LIVE

1:20:23 / Beyond Top Secret - Timothy Good LIVE

1:07:16 / Debunking the UFO Debunkers - Stanton Friedman LIVE