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THE CASE OF A TEENAGER (1957) Spanish - Full Movie - Captioned
Owner: Described and Captioned Media Program / 10.08.2011 / Duration: 1:40:11
Channel UCWSkTMzpdIbY6r6V6QoX_Jw: videos / playlists
Likes: 619 / Dislikes: 0 / Views: 86896
Audio: WebM or MP4

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Taken from the pages of a diary, this film shows how the inexperience, the excessive liberties, and the lack of warmth in a family can turn the life of an adolescent into a valley of tears. Public domain film.

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Tomada de las páginas de un diario, esta película muestra en qué medida la inexperiencia, el libertinaje y la falta de calidez en una familia pueden convertir la vida de una adolescente en un valle de lágrimas. Protagonistas: Carlos López Moctezuma, Lucy Gallardo y Andrea Palma.