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The Worst Gang in the World | Mexican Mafia | Documentary 2016 | Amazing TV
Owner: Documentary World / 29.11.2016 / Duration: 1:29:28
Channel UCn3kcnoqpwg1GikRj-EcD4Q: videos / playlists
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The Worst Gang in the World | Mexican Mafia | Documentary 2016 | Amazing TV.
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The Mexican Mafia (Spanish: Mafia Mexicana), also known as La Eme (Spanish for "the M"), is a highly organized Mexican American criminal organization in the United States.[1][4] Despite its name, the Mexican Mafia did not originate in Mexico and is entirely a U.S. criminal prison organization. Sureños, including MS-13 and Florencia 13,[17] use the number 13 to show allegiance to the Mexican Mafia. M is the 13th letter of the alphabet. Law enforcement officials report that La eMe is the most powerful gang within the California prison system.[18] Government officials state that there are currently 155–300 official members of the Mexican Mafia with around 990 associates who assist La eMe in carrying out its illegal activities in the hopes of becoming full members.[7]
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