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Kung Fu Girl vs Boxing Girl Fight Scene | Knuckles vs Peaches (Slug Street Scrappers)
Owner: Whirlwind Action / 08.08.2014 / Duration: 01:08
Channel UCsM9M8pVcd1_jayfRHiLp1g: videos / playlists
Likes: 28381 / Dislikes: 0 / Views: 6642857
Audio: WebM or MP4

Related video:

Knuckles Clark (Kung Fu & Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) vs Peaches Powers (Sport Boxing). From the Whirlwind Action feature film, "Slug Street Scrappers: Villain."

Slug Street Scrappers is a live-action fighting game & anime style feature film series. It's inspired by Street Fighter, Streets of Rage, Double Dragon, and other console & arcade games from the 1980's & 1990's, and showcases martial arts styles from around the world battling head-to-head. It also homages various anime from the same time-period.