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Japanese Comedy - Romance Movies on 2015
Owner: ulli chun / 05.03.2016 / Duration: 01:43
Channel UCTXbsxRJWjyZ8mDwD7B25IA: videos / playlists
Likes: 745 / Dislikes: 0 / Views: 322812
Audio: WebM or MP4

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Before you ask, I didn't put list in the description column because I want you to watch the videos, it would make me feel more satisfied because you appreciate what I have made. Every single person has their own opinion, please respect others idea and I will upgrade this list at least once a year; hopefully you pay attention to date and year when I upload this list.


All information and contents in this video (artwork, picture, and music) are not mine. I am not intending to infringe copyright ownership. They are all belongs to their respective owners. I made it only for information, reference and entertain purposes.

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Thank you and Have a great day ♥♥♥

PS. I put the list in the bottom of the video and if you have request, just tweet me in twitter or leave comment^^