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Learn Spanish with Extra en español Ep1 Spanish subtitles by Spanish Tutors Hong Kong
Owner: Spanish Tutors Hong Kong / 15.03.2014 / Duration: 24:29
Channel UCo53HUhSRky3pvAaeX0J0qw: videos / playlists
Likes: 5433 / Dislikes: 0 / Views: 966655
Audio: WebM or MP4

Related video:

First chapter of the TV series Extr@ español with Spanish subtitles added by Spanish Tutors Hong Kong. To see the video with English and Spanish subtitles please watch:

This is a good way to learn Spanish if you don't have time to go for Spanish lessons or as a complement of your learning to practise your listening skills. Subtitles are in Spanish. If anyone thinks it would be good to have english subtitles too you can request in the comments area.

For more videos and resources you can visit our website other online self learning materials are available. If you have other requests let us know.