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Playlists of channel "UC4ZPCM9ynHfuuXuI74uHJcg", see also videos

3 videos /  “Taiwan in the Raw" Volume 1

71 videos /  Chinese Bible Project|圣经纵览

46 videos /  恩典音乐:赞美诗歌

30 videos /  立稳根基四:基督徒的使命,门训和逼迫

30 videos /  立稳根基三:基督徒的婚姻,育儿和理财

30 videos /  立稳根基二:基督徒的教义,道德和态度

30 videos /  立稳根基一:基督徒的基础,生活和身份

30 videos /  Chinese Satellite TV

6 videos /  China

15 videos /  Worship Music

3 videos /  China: A Century of Revolution

9 videos /  Living Waters

25 videos /  Chinese Worship Songs

7 videos /  Chinese Language

10 videos /  "China in the Raw" Volume 2

12 videos /  Chinese Evangelism

4 videos /  Mission Documentaries

96 videos /  "China in the Raw" Volume 1